Thursday, November 21, 2013

A Long Long Time

Oh my electronic diary, how long I didn't meet you? I think it is more than a month!

Do you know why? My modem is not work well since last month. I don't know what's going on. it happened when its back from my friend, because me and my friend barter our modem. i had tried many ways, my bf also helped me (of course not directly)  to search what's wrong with that! And the result still cannot make my modem works again :( it makes me off from browsing, searching, including write what I do and feel through you my ED huuffttt.. Alright, but now how can I write again? haha, I still don't know why my modem's work now. I conclude that the problem is signal, maybe. Whatever, the important is I can write here again! yipiieeee °\(^^)/°

Many things I feel during last month! Because last month my teenager gone :'( Yup, it's my birthday! Honestly, I was sad when waiting my birthday because loneliness there. I cannot celebrate my "two heads" with my family, my bf also :( But show must go on, I cannot just fell in my sadness, I have to let it flows :)
Firstly, I think that my birthday just end without something wonderful, but I wrong! The wishes that given to me make me strong, make me happy, make me enthusiastic to continue my life, Thanks God I know You will not let me alone :)

On my birthday party, I have plan to treat my friends (just for my close friends) and it takes place in SS. I invite my friends to go there, but I have no motorcycle or car to pick them up to there. But once more, God knows what I need! My boardinghouse friend's motorcycle works again, oh it was so amazing! Finally we can go with underbone (name of my friend's motorcycle, haha) We had full tummies there, I was so happy to treat them! Thank you friends, because when I have no one, you'll be there. Oya, I got a gift from one of my boarding house friend :) She puts it on the mirror in the living room with congratulation card stick on it, what a sweet friend!

Besides my birthday, on 9th November I went to Bandengan beach with my church friends! I become a worship leader there and had a tank full of happiness because I can spend my time not just in my room but I can see a beautiful view like beach! For information, I got new fans also there, hahahaha..

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Unknown said... June 4, 2014 at 10:32 AM

aaah... Fans???
OhMyGOd, who is he? I Think, I know :P

Berta Yolanda said... June 12, 2014 at 11:02 AM

If you know, just keep silent :p

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